Euthanasia Services

A compassionate procedure for cats and dogs suffering from chronic pain or terminal illness.

Here at Fifth Avenue Veterinary Clinic, we are pet parents like you, and we understand the heartbreaking reality of saying goodbye to our most loyal companions. If you have come to the point of your journey as a pet parent, when you are considering euthanasia and other end-of-life services, we will be here to support you every step of the way. To learn more about euthanasia, do not hesitate to reach out to us at 519-307-2510 and one of our Client Services Representatives will answer any of your inquiries.

Is euthanasia safe for pets?

Yes. Euthanasia is a humane way to say goodbye to your furry family member. The entire procedure is painless and takes only minutes to complete. Your pet will be given the euthanasia drug via IV/injection. At first, it will cause your pet to fall into a peaceful sleep before making their organs fail systematically.

Which pets are good candidates for euthanasia?

At the end of the day, the decision is always up to you. Usually, euthanasia is recommended for pets who are suffering from a terminal illness, injury or chronic pain that can no longer be managed with treatments. As always, your veterinarian will explain all of the options available to you, and discuss if it is time to consider end-of-life actions for your pet.

Can I stay with my pet during their euthanasia?

Yes. Our clinic has a private and comforting area that will allow you to say your farewell to your pet. You can stay by their side throughout the entire procedure so they will feel your presence until their last moments of consciousness. We can also recommend grief support services for your and your family, if you think that you need additional help after your pet crosses the rainbow bridge.

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